Pregnancy Chiropractic in Arlington TX

Chiropractic Arlington TX Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of life’s most exciting times. If you’ve been pregnant before, you know that this excitement can also be accompanied by aches, pains and other concerns. At Active Family Wellness Center, we encourage you to start chiropractic care in Arlington TX during your pregnancy. We can help you stay healthy while you prepare for this new addition to your family.

Concentrating on the Three Ps in Arlington TX

We like to say that we emphasize the importance of the Three Ps for our pregnant patients: power, passage and passenger. The first, power, is what you’ll need for a successful delivery. The second P, passage, means that your pelvis must allow your baby to come out. The last P stands for passenger. By following the Webster Protocol, we can ensure the ligaments that attach to your uterus and relaxed and balanced, allowing your baby to emerge when the time is right.

The Webster Technique

Dr. Godwin is certified in the Webster Technique by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA). Through the ICPA, he has completed extensive studies on caring for pregnant women and children. The Webster Technique is widely known for its success in balancing the pelvis of an expecting mom.

Though many refer to it as a technique for breech babies, the Webster Technique will not turn your baby. Instead, the focus is on making sure your baby has the appropriate room to get into the proper birthing position.

The Frequency of Your Visits

Our recommendations are always based on your individual needs. There is no cookie-cutter approach to what we do. How often you’ll visit our office will depend on if you’re in pain or are seeing us to improve your overall level of health. If you’re experiencing symptoms such as discomfort, we may recommend more frequent visits to begin with. The frequency will likely be reduced as you improve.

Comfortable Tables and Pregnancy Pillows

We offer specialized tables that have a drop piece built-in. During your adjustment, this piece will “drop” away to allow for a comfortable adjustment. We also have pregnancy pillows that allow you to lie comfortably on your stomach.

Dr. Godwin often uses instrument-based adjusting on pregnant patients. Additionally, he may incorporate myofascial relief to address tight muscles and ligaments.


When you’re pregnant, your body is under a great deal of strain. You may have resulting problems in your spinal alignment or in other joints and soft tissues. They can occur within a short period and leave lasting imbalances in your body’s structure.

Getting adjusted during pregnancy can assist you in remaining healthy now and in the future. When you feel good, you can keep your focus where it needs to be: on caring for your new bundle of joy.

Call Our Team Today

Would you like to book your first appointment? Contact our team now to schedule your appointment for pregnancy Arlington TX! Late opening hours are available.

8:00am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm


8:00am - 11:00am

Saturday & Sunday

Active Family Wellness Center

4120 N Collins St Suite 200
Arlington, TX 76005

(817) 557-2770